
Heart-Healthy Living Is a Great Way To Mark National Heart Month

Nov 06, 2023

Heart disease is the top cause of death for both men & women in the United States. Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, like diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, smoking, and obesity, are common in middle-aged and young adults. A higher risk of cardiovascular disease is associated with multiple risk factors.

Have you heard that people with strong bonds with others in their homes, workplaces, and communities tend to have better health and live longer? A significant factor is that collaborating with others makes us more likely to achieve our health objectives. This month, we encourage you to surround yourself with positive people who will help keep your heart safe.

Maintain A Healthy Weight.

Look for a buddy in your social circle, at work, or home who shares your goal of getting to or staying at a healthy weight. If you're overweight, losing 5-10% of your body weight can improve your health. Get in touch with them consistently to keep them inspired. Even if you can't be physically together, schedule healthful activities like walking or preparing a nutritious dinner around the same time each day. Spread healthy, low-sodium, and low-calorie dishes.

Important Role of Nutrition

Eat more fruits and vegetables to improve your cardiovascular health. Risk factors, such as high levels of cholesterol and blood pressure, diabetes, and weight gain, can be managed with careful attention to the types and quantities of food consumed.

Be patient at first. Reduce your salt consumption by focusing on that alone. It's crucial to watch how much salt you put into your food regularly since it might affect your cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Choose fresh meat over synthetic and prepackaged choices, or swap out rare snack items like chips for veggies or fruit for a healthy change. A healthy diet should include salt and sugar, but monitoring the types and amounts of these ingredients and the fats and oils you take in is essential.

Include Regular Workouts into Your Routine

One should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity weekly. Put another way, that's around 20 minutes of daily physical activity. As the heart is a muscle, it needs to be cared for as such. To get started, do what you can, even if it's just a little bit. Your heart will appreciate your good care, even if you only spend 10 minutes each day exercising. Maintaining a healthy weight and a low body mass index (BMI) via a combination of regular exercise and a balanced diet reduces the likelihood that you may suffer from cardiovascular disease.

Alter Your Current Way of Living

The state of one's heart can also be significantly affected by one's way of life. The risk of developing heart disease increases by smoking, vaping, and heavy alcohol use. These chemicals raise blood pressure and hinder vital bodily processes.

Tobacco's noxious compounds are harmful to your ticker and blood vessels. Stroke, heart attack, and heart disease are all more likely to the reduced oxygen levels, increased blood pressure, and heart rate caused by smoking and vaping. If you are a smoker, you should stop immediately.

Reducing your alcohol consumption is a good practice. Alcohol, like cigarettes, raises blood pressure and can cause cardiac rhythm disturbances. You may improve your heart health by reducing your alcohol consumption. You shouldn't have more than two alcoholic drinks a day if you're a man and one if you're a woman. If you're drinking more than that, you should try reducing your intake. It's for the benefit of your heart.

Handle Anxiety

One's cardiovascular system benefits from lessened stress. Engage in a stress-management program online with a friend or family member, or agree to do something soothing like walking, yoga, or meditation together daily. The stress-reducing effects of exercise extend beyond the body. Confide in a trusted friend or family member or a professional in the mental health field.

Rest Better

Improving cardiovascular health requires sleeping well each night, ideally between 7 and 8 hours. You may improve your sleep quality by de-stressing and exposing yourself to 30 minutes of sunshine daily. Instead of sleeping in late, go for a stroll! Instruct one another to cease electronic use and maintain a regular sleep schedule. Relax with music, a book, or a warm bath before bed instead of staring at your phone or the TV.

Go For Checkups

Seeing a doctor is an excellent method to determine if you are at risk for developing heart disease or whether your modifications have the desired effect. Having a medical professional keep tabs on your progress and offer further advice is invaluable while trying to strengthen your heart.