
8 Essential Ingredients For A Healthier New Year

Dec 13, 2023

If you want to be successful in eating cleanly this year, now is the time to clear out your cupboards, trash any expired or unused items, and get your kitchen and pantry in order. When you have a well-stocked, well-organized kitchen, it's much easier to start fresh with a healthy diet and keep with it. For this year, I recommend the following items to help you quickly cook delicious, nutritious meals.

Vegetables And Fruit

Incorporating fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet is an easy way to improve your health, and you may do it year-round. Vitamins, minerals, and plant components included in fruits and vegetables protect against weight-related, cardiovascular, and metabolic diseases and cognitive decline associated with aging.

Aim for at least two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables daily, and stock up on a wide variety. Potatoes, onions, garlic, lemons, limes, and other citrus fruits are staples in my kitchen.

In addition, stock up on nutritious, fresh fruit and vegetables like apples and oranges to take with you on the move. It is essential to stock up on non-starchy vegetables and leafy greens.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt, especially fat-free or low-fat varieties, is an excellent source of protein and other vital elements like calcium and potassium. Greek yogurt is thicker and creamier than ordinary yogurt thanks to the straining process that eliminates the watery whey.

Greek yogurt also has twice the protein and nearly half the sugar of regular yogurt. About three eggs' worth of protein may be found in a single serving of nonfat Greek yogurt.


For your good, a little bit of insanity is OK. Almond, cashew, walnut, pistachio, and nut lovers who consume around an ounce of nuts daily are healthier, leaner, and less likely to develop cardiovascular disease and cancer, according to studies.

Due to their high-fat content, nuts are calorie dense and should be consumed in moderation. All nuts are a good source of protein and unsaturated fat, which is good for your heart. They also include vitamins B and E, magnesium, and satisfying fiber.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The risk of developing cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis may all be mitigated by regularly consuming extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), according to the findings of a recent study.

The Mediterranean Diet, high in fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and whole grains, has been shown to reduce the risk of some health problems, and olive oil is a cornerstone of this diet.

Whole Grains

It's okay to completely cut out carbohydrates if you're on a diet or attempting to better your health this year, contrary to common belief. Research has found that diets high in whole grains reduce the likelihood of a person developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, or several forms of cancer. An increase in whole grain consumption has been associated with a longer lifespan.

The fiber, vitamins, and minerals included in whole grains make them satisfying food choices. Make it a point to eat three or more servings of whole grains every day.

Canned Beans

One of the best things you can keep on hand in your healthy kitchen is a supply of canned beans. The fiber, protein, antioxidants, potassium, and iron content of beans is relatively high. Science backs up the claim that eating beans can help keep the pounds off and lower your chances of developing cardiac problems. Half a cup three times a week is a good goal.

Canned Seafood

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in abundance in canned tuna and salmon, have been shown to have beneficial effects on cardiovascular health, cognitive function, mood, eye health, and joint mobility.

Therefore, it is recommended by most health organizations that at least twice weekly, preferably canned fish or seafood, be consumed. Lean protein and other minerals and vitamins may be found in fish, including salmon, tuna, anchovies, and sardines.

Pumpkin Puree

I'm afraid you're right; the holidays are officially over. Nonetheless, pumpkin puree from a can may be used for much more than just baking. If you're looking for a low-calorie option that's still rich in beta carotene, vitamin C, and potassium, look for a type that doesn't have any added sugar or flavoring.

Few of us eat nearly enough vegetables with a rich orange color, even though these vegetables contain nutrients that may reduce the risk of cancer and promote good eye health.